Conscious Conversation: The Beauty of Green Burials

Conscious Conversation: The Beauty of Green Burials
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Saturday, July 29, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Eastern Time

With Guest Presenter Deborah Parker
of All Souls Natural Burial Association

Natural burial has been the traditional form of burial for most of human history. This allows the remains of the deceased to return to nature with minimal negative impact on the natural ecosystem.

Our mission is to provide an opportunity for environmentally-minded people to return to the earth and replenish its nutrients. This also helps provide families the opportunity to return to caring for their loved ones after death as their ancestors did for many years.

In a natural burial, the body is buried in either a shroud made of natural fiber (such as linen, wool or cotton) or caskets made of natural materials (such as wood, bamboo, reed, seagrass or cardboard). This way the body is allowed to decompose naturally and nourish the earth.

All Souls Natural Burial Ground is the first natural burial ground in the Triad region of North Carolina. It is located at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church on Jefferson Road in Greensboro. Eco-friendly, affordable, noninvasive, non-sectarian, All Souls is set on beautiful wooded terrain leading to a tranquil stream, with easy access for visitors.

Please join us to learn more about this burial practice. Deborah will share information with us and then lead us in a discussion.

What if your legacy could be green for eternity?


DATE: Saturday, July 29

TIME: 10:00 am – 12:00 Noon




In 1989 Deborah had a very positive experience with her brother’s home death and celebration of life. She says, “For me, contemplating death is an opportunity for awakening into a way to live and I want to share this with people.”

Deborah has been a Hospice volunteer, has facilitated dozens of Death Cafés in the Triad area, and is on the Cafe Mortal team that created, It’s About Life, A Death Defying Film Series. Deborah serves as president of the board and Family Liaison for All Souls Natural Burial Ground. She is an educator in End of Life home care, home vigils, a visual artist, and a student of mindfulness meditation.

This is Deborah’s first time as a guest presenter for The School, and we are delighted to have her and grateful to her for sharing her knowledge and years of experience with us.

For more information, visit their web site:
For tours contact: Deborah Parker at 336-327-2482 or at
or Randall Keeney at 336-909-0701 or at




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