"The universe exists in a single atom"
— The Dalai LamaWhat do we mean by “Energy”?
Quantum physics tells us that nothing in the physical universe exists that does not first exist as energy. In other words, all matter – yes, including us! – is condensed energy which has, as we can see all around us, taken on an immense variety of life forms. Surrounding all matter is a vibrant electromagnetic energy field that is highly sensitive to the energy fields surrounding everyone and everything else. These energy fields hold information which is constantly being exchanged and shared.
Sooo … It only makes sense that we’d want our own energy field to be as healthy, strong and balanced as possible. When it is, we can better manage what we take in from the world and be intentional about what we give out.
“…there is an energetic continuum running through all of creation, beginning in the…awareness of pure consciousness and ending in the solid world of rocks and tables.”
I am a Certified Energy Work Practitioner, trained and certified by Jill Leigh, the founder and director of the Energy Healing Institute in Portland, Oregon. In addition, I have had formal training in Healing Touch and in Somatic Experiencing (a sensory-based modality for resolving tension held in the body due to unhealed experiences.)
The way I approach my Integrative Energy Work is exactly how I approach all my work – meaning I understand and engage human life through the lens of mind-body-spirit oneness. This oneness is a complex system which includes our internal energy centers as well as the auric field surrounding us which you can think of as a bubble or a sphere.
The condition of our energy centers and field directly impact our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. The stronger and more coherent our energy is, the more we live with a sense of calmness, freedom, and awareness. When this is our natural state, everything changes – our physical well being, the way we experience ourselves, how we operate in our relationships, the way we show up in the world, and our relationship with the “Source” of it all – no matter what you call this.

What do we mean by “Energy Work”?
Energy medicine is the art and science of fostering physical, psychological and spiritual health and vitality. It combines a rational knowledge and intuitive understanding of the energies in the body and within the environment.
“Cultivating your capacity to weave these energies can make you a more conscious and sensitive instrument…”
Every modality I offer I’ve experienced myself, so I can attest to the power of this kind of healing. It has deepened my understanding and experience of the interconnectedness of my own mind, body, emotions and spirit. As a result, I am more clear in my thinking, embodied and grounded, emotionally self-regulated, and spiritually awake – all of which supports me in living with more confidence, serenity, resiliency, and with the pure joy of being alive – even on bad days. Let me repeat…even on bad days!
Although I use the word “healing”, it is important for you to know that I am not THE healer. We all contain within us the wisdom and power to heal ourselves and to be open and receptive to Divine healing light and love. I serve to help YOU access it!
Using my knowledge of the Ayurvedic (from India) and Celtic (from Ireland) energy systems, I serve as the facilitator of this sacred process. I set and hold the space, use my hands, intention and clairvoyance to guide my work. I clear blockages which impede your healing and integration. I also infuse your chakras with what appears to be needed.
Sometimes it’s important that you actively participate. When this is the case, I offer guidance to you so you can engage the process through both your own sensory and visual modes. In addition, I will teach you simple yet very effective techniques to use on your own so you can enhance your own self-care every day.
Energy Work that I offer is a combination of these various modalities:
• Chakra and Auric Field Clearing and Balancing
• Healing Touch
• Somatic Experiencing
• Conscious Gentle Breathwork
• Guided Visualization
One Client’s Thoughts About
Integrative Energy Work:
“Marilyn and I usually divide our sessions, the first part discussing what’s happening in my life and the second devoted to energy work. Not only is she an insightful and kind guide and coach for me, she is a caring and skillful practitioner of energy work. With her guidance, I’ve discovered just how much my body holds psychological and emotional issues. Through her integrative energy modalities, I’m experiencing the mind-body-spirit connection first-hand, and it has brought me an overall sense of relief, deeper rest, enhanced recovery and a general affirmation of my life.”

Here are some questions people often ask
about integrative energy work:
Are these modalities grounded in science or medicine?
Yes. Healing Touch and Somatic Experiencing (SE) were both developed by medical professionals. The Chakra system is part of the ancient Ayurvedic and Celtic medical traditions which go back hundreds of years. Conscious breathing and guided visualization have been used for decades in psychology and medicine for the purposes of stress reduction, relief from depression and anxiety, pain relief, increased self-esteem, and an enhanced general sense of well being.
What are the benefits of integrative energy work?
Positive benefits can include: Relaxation, stress reduction, decreased anxiety and depression, enhanced sense of well being, clarity of thought, insight into and regulation of feelings, greater felt-sense relationship with our bodies, generalized and localized pain relief, release of painful patterns of thought and behavior, and increased spiritual awareness.
Is energy work associated with any particular spiritual belief system?
No, energy work is not associated with any particular religion or faith tradition. However, I do consider this work to be sacred because through it, we experience our oneness of not only body, mind and emotions, but also with spirit. All of who we are is part of the Divine, and all healing ultimately comes from this sacred source of life. I am just serving as a facilitator, helping you to tap into your own inherent wisdom and healing.
How do I know which modalities I need?
Here’s the thing – you don’t have to know. We’ll always start by discussing what’s going on in your life – any emotional or physical discomfort you are having. I listen for emotional and spiritual content and distress, and I will often ask where you sense the discomfort or upset in your body. As we talk, I discern which modalities I believe would be most effective for you. If you think that sounds right, that becomes our plan. You may find that after you’ve experienced a few sessions, you have a sense of what works best for you for certain issues, and we’ll include that in our work. Remember! It’s a collaboration.
Is actual touch involved?
While physical touch is often included, many of these modalities can be utilized at the level of your energy field without it. This involves the hands being held and moved above the surface of your body. I find that what works best is a combination of hands-on with hands-off, but I will only do what you’re comfortable with, and I will always get your permission to use touch.
Does energy work hurt?
Because energy moves through our bodies and not just around it, engaging with it can produce heat, coolness, pressure, a sense of expansiveness, and sometimes even soreness afterwards. But there is no massage, deep tissue touch or manual manipulation of your limbs. In all the energy work I’ve experienced myself over the years, I have experienced sensations but never pain. Rarely have I been a little sore afterwards, but this always passes within a day or two.
How long does an energy session last?
I allow at least an hour to an hour and a half. However, we can always schedule an extended session if desired. The cost for this is pro-rated on my set sliding scale.
Do I participate in some way or am I passive during the treatment?
Because my approach is collaborative, I think it is best for us to engage in energy work as a team. I combine silence with gentle guidance so you can participate, and I’ve found that most people like this. Participating in the session helps you learn how to be alert and yet relaxed at the same time as well as how to listen to your body – both necessary for living in the world with greater self-awareness. It is also a way for you to learn some techniques for engaging with this healing on your own.
Exactly what does an energy session consist of?
First, we talk a little so I know what you’re experiencing and can get a sense of what you need. I share what I think would be beneficial with you before we actually get started. (Please see the above question: “How do I know which modalities I need?” for more information about this.)
After you are settled on the table, I get myself grounded. Next, if needed, I guide you into relaxation through bodily awareness and breathing. I invite you to set an intention or say a prayer for our session, either aloud or to yourself. Sometimes my clients and I offer a prayer we both know together, and this is your choice. Then I say a prayer of my own to ask for guidance from my Divine Source. This sounds like a lot, but it actually only takes a few minutes. Next, I move into the actual healing modalities. During the session, I may ask you to breathe into a particular place in your body, visualize colors or healing light, speak aloud what you are experiencing or possibly repeat affirmations after me.
When the session is complete, I let you rest a few minutes for integration. Afterwards, we talk about the session and what you experienced, and I also share with you what I sensed and experienced. I may also teach you some skills you can use on your own and suggest “homework” which is designed to keep the healing work moving along between sessions.
Do you play music?
Sound healing research has shown that appropriate sound enhances relaxation and helps quiet our busy minds. I offer the use of music or tones, but this is always up to you. Some people do prefer silence, and that’s just fine. We can experiment with it both ways to see which is better for you.
Do I get undressed?
No, all energy work is done with you fully dressed. However, most folks do take off their shoes and sometimes their socks but even that is not necessary. Clothing does not stop the flow of energy.
Do I lie on a table?
Energy work can be done with a person sitting, laying on a massage table, or even standing. Almost everyone chooses to lie on the table. Whatever you’re most comfortable with is what we’ll do.
I do hope you will consider giving Integrative Energy work a try. Everyone I’ve done this work with says it enhances and deepens their growth and healing. It is truly an exciting and intriguing way to nurture and support your physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
I look forward to discussing this profound healing work with you!
Are you ready for a deeper and more awakened connection to life?
Musings from Marilyn
Space for Conscious Living
2012 New Garden Road., Suite E,
Greensboro, NC 27410